Well the website was live for a whole week and not 1 issue or downtime. Use WordPress to manufacture your websites. Its so easy and if you need a hand drop me an email. Not a huge amount has happened on the brewery front this week as I have been mainly focused on Christmas. What I did achieve is brewing 2 x prototype beers that are just about ready to be drunk. These were done in 10 liter batches and if any good will be upscaled for brewing if the time comes. A funny thing though is my 2 year old son is obsessed with helping out with “beer dad?”. Due to the style of beer I had to back sweeten and than drop carbonation drops into the bottles (first time bottling in about 2 years). I know I would have to check the pressure of the bottles and did so on Monday, the day after bottling, so I could drop the temperature to halt fermentation (other ways to do this in a larger scale brewery). The pressure seemed fine and I would check again on Wednesday. Mr 2 Year old when I got home from work Tuesday yelled at me “beer dad” as he wanted to check on it. I replied “nah mate, she should be all good”. He took off out to the carport with me chasing him and as he opened the fermentation chambers door I herd a hissing sound. When I looked it was coming from one of the glass bottles as it was over pressurized and leaking CO2. I checked the plastic bottle and they were rock hard. So thanks to Mr 2 year old my beer was saved from becoming an explosive. That’s it for this update. Cheers.
Ryan McGannon